The two certainties in life are supposedly expiry and taxes. Even then, for some the latter isn't always strictly true, which leaves just expiry.

Death is the i of the last mysteries, remaining largely unknowable - regardless of huge scientific advancements.

As for what it's like to die, in that location are popular theories virtually white lights and seeing your life cinematically flash before your eyes.

The just insight we have are accounts from people who accept been medically dead then resuscitated, some of whom accept taken to Reddit to respond the impossible "what's it similar to die?" question as best they tin. And the answers vary a lot.

i. Similar reading a book

Five years agone monitormonkey underwent major surgery during which he bled out, causing him to be dead for several minutes.

"I woke up in what looked like space but there weren't whatever stars or lite. I wasn't floating and then to speak, I was simply there.

What comes later on decease has been a question no 1 can conclusively respond (



"I wasn't hot or cold, hungry or tired - just a peaceful neutral kind of thing. I knew there was light and dear somewhere nearby simply I had no urge or need to go to it correct away.

"I think thinking over my life, but it wasn't like a montage. More similar I was idly flipping through a volume and snippets stood out hither and there.

"Whatever it was, it changed my thoughts on a few things. I am nevertheless afraid to die, but I'thou not worried about what happens after that."

ii. A visit from someone dear

Schneidah7 was thrown from his motorbike while cruising at l mph and was medically dead when he was taken to hospital. As he lay in the road before the ambulance came, he recalled someone he knew encouraging him.

"I but remember being on the pavement and things slowly going blackness and quiet.

Another user claims he was visited and comforted by his brother (



"The only reason I didn't fall asleep was because of a bizarre moment where I heard someone yelling, 'Ranger upwardly you processed f***! Come on human being, go upwardly. Become upwards. GET Upwardly!'

"Then someone was slapping my helmet (which was basically smushed really hard onto my head).

"When I opened my eyes I saw my brother squatting on the pavement next me to. This was odd because my brother died from an overdose several years ago.

"The just other thing I remember is him glancing at his watch and saying something like 'They'll be here before long' and and then walking away.

"I wish I could give more detail simply I honestly don't recollect much of the incident and still have trouble with my memory as a result of the accident."

No ane claimed to have seen God (



Have you had a nearly-death experience? Email or get in touch on via the course at the bottom.

3. A garden

While many users described their 'death' as being like a void, IDiedForABit had a very different experience after an allergic reaction which caused their middle to end.

"I remember a feeling of being sucked backwards, extremely slowly, like being pulled through h2o and this blackness fading in and out.

"At i signal it faded back in and I was staring out at a garden.

"It wasn't filled with flowers, merely dust and patchy grass. There was a playground with a merry-go-round in the middle and two children running around it. A male child and a daughter.

No one explicitly said they'd seen 'heaven' (



"It'southward hard to describe but I got the feeling I could choose if I wanted to stay or go out, simply every fourth dimension I tried to go back I was held in place.

"I went through all the reasons I wanted to go back, and when I told the presence I didn't want to abandon my mother whatsoever held me finally let get.

"I snapped back into my trunk. My heart had stopped for six minutes."

The Grim Reaper luckily doesn't feature in this theory (



4. Hitting snooze

As a teenager, TheDeadManWalks had been going through months of chemotherapy when his nose started haemorrhage uncontrollably.

Due to a sepsis and Clostridium difficile infection, his status worsened, and he slipped in and out of death, which he describes beautifully.

"The worst role of it all, looking back, is how peaceful it tin can seem.

Dear David makes his appearance at the same time each dark (



"It's like wanting to hit the snooze button on your alarm at 7am.

"And perhaps you do hit it in one case or twice but then you remember that you lot have work or schoolhouse and that slumber tin wait because you've even so got s*** to do."

5. Or is it a hoot?

altburger69'southward brush with expiry didn't stop them from neat jokes.

"Had a centre attack last yr and my middle stopped iii times in the emergency room.

Many experiences took identify on the operating tabular array (



"Patently, each time they shocked me dorsum I 'woke up' (how it felt) and told the staff a different knock-knock joke each time.

"No lights or whatever, but felt like slumber."

6. There is nothing afterward

In the aftermath of a motorbike accident, Rullknuf's animate and pulse stopped and he went "cramp and stiff". Afterward two minutes, his friend managed to resuscitate him.

"For me it was just a coma. No dreams, no 'visions, just nothing.

"Apparently I asked over x times what happened and apparently I shall exist happy to exist alive today."